Training And Workshops

Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.” -Aristotle

It is an undisputed fact that great teachers help create great students. Research shows that an inspiring and informed teacher is the most important school-related factor influencing student achievement. Hence, training and supporting teachers, whether freshly out of professional courses or veterans in the domain, is critical and should be taken on as a mandatory process in all schools.

Having recognized this crucial element of teacher development, SEL offers a range of well-designed and innovative Teacher Training modules, that emphasises subject-matter mastery and provides hands on experiences for teachers under the guidance of experienced facilitators.

The variety of case studies, sharing of best practices, and participation in mock classes are all packaged into our exemplary teacher-training programme that allows teachers the time and opportunity to apply their learning of theory in the context of teaching in a real classroom.

The emphasis in all our modules is on content knowledge, increased use of educational technology, creation of lesson plans that aim to develop Higher Order Thinking Skills, classroom management techniques, behavior management strategies, time management, inculcating effective study skills in children and innovative and contemporary methods of teaching.

Our Teacher Training Workshops
include the following:


Build A Brighter Future With Cutting-Edge Training and Workshops For Teachers


In our dynamic and rapidly changing world, the field of education is undergoing a remarkable transformation, driven by advancements in technology, creative teaching approaches, and emerging trends. It has become crucial for educational institutions to equip their teachers with the most up-to-date knowledge and continuously refine their abilities, ensuring that students receive the highest quality education.
This is where a school consultancy service can play a vital role! By availing such a service, you can empower your teachers to stay ahead in the industry, fostering their professional growth and enhancing the overall credibility of your school.
So, let’s delve into why training and workshops are necessary for teachers to enhance your institution’s value.
Investing in the professional development of teachers stands out as one of the most critical investments schools can make. The profound impact of upskilling teachers directly translates into the quality of education students receive.
Beyond the confines of the classroom, there exist numerous advantages to be gained from empowering teachers through upskilling. Let’s explore them –
Enhance Student Outcomes: By equipping teachers with the latest knowledge and skills, schools can ensure the transfer of exceptional education to students. It will result in improved outcomes and heightened academic achievements. Upskilled teachers possess the ability to actively engage their students, develop effective lesson plans, and provide personalized attention to those requiring additional support. This holistic approach empowers teachers to maximize student potential and foster a conducive learning environment.
Attract and Retain Top Talent: Beyond enhancing student outcomes, the upskilling of teachers plays a pivotal role in attracting and retaining exceptional educators within schools. By prioritizing the professional development of teachers, schools create a culture of continuous learning and improvement. This fosters an environment where top talent seeks to be a part of, ensuring the longevity and success of the institution. The investment in upskilling teachers not only establishes the school as an appealing workplace but also demonstrates a commitment to the growth and advancement of its educators.
Maintain A Competitive Edge: Maintaining a competitive edge is important for teachers to stay current with the latest advancements, methodologies, and technologies in education. It enables them to deliver innovative and effective instruction, engage students more deeply, and meet the evolving needs of the modern learner. By continuously honing their skills and knowledge, teachers can provide the best possible education, inspire student success, and remain valuable contributors to the ever-changing educational landscape.
Professional Development: The professional development of teachers is necessary to ensure continuous growth, enhance instructional practices, and keep up with evolving trends. It empowers teachers with new knowledge in specific areas such as curriculum design, assessment, classroom management, and technology integration.
Community Engagement: Learning community engagement skills are vital for school teachers as they enable the establishment of robust relationships with parents, community organizations, and other stakeholders. These skills involve crafting effective communication plans, coordinating events and activities, and nurturing partnerships that align with the school’s objectives. By fostering such connections, teachers can cultivate a supportive network, enhance parental involvement, and harness the collective resources and expertise of the community, ultimately benefiting the overall growth and success of the school.
The tailored training modules offered by school consultancy services can help you achieve the above goals while enhancing your school’s teaching and learning quality.
Empower Educators With The Leading School Consultancy Service
Each school possesses different strengths, challenges, and aspirations. Therefore, seeking assistance from a school consultancy service that offers personalized solutions aligned with your school’s specific needs becomes imperative.
Whether your focus is on refining instructional practices, elevating student engagement, or fostering diversity and inclusion, a dedicated school consultancy service stands firmly to help you with the expertise to achieve your unique goals.
So, why not embark on an extraordinary journey with the leading school consultancy service to reach immeasurable heights?
Shri Educare Limited: Your Quick Way to Ensure Success
Shri Educare Limited, a leading Education Consultancy based in Delhi, specializes in a wide range of school consultancy services, including the vital role of information and communication technology (ICT) in modern education.
Our comprehensive training module equips teachers with essential guidelines, sample lesson plans, and online resources to elevate the quality of teaching and learning. Our assessment and evaluation training course helps teachers gain valuable skills to holistically evaluate situations and employ appropriate tools for enhancing student performance. We ensure your teachers become experts in teaching adolescents and leveraging the power of stories to foster literacy and knowledge acquisition.
With our simplified Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) module, teachers can effectively identify and address students’ learning difficulties. Moreover, our unique differentiators, such as Circle Time and DEAR (Drop Everything and Read), become integral parts of the school’s routine, enriching learning experiences and nurturing vital life skills in students.
As per the National Education Policy, conducting a 50-hour teacher training program for every school is mandatory. So, do not delay! Let Shri Educare’s school consultancy service enhance your teachers with unparalleled expertise.

ICT in Teaching & Learning


ICT pervades modern society to the extent that many countries now regard the mastery of information and communication technology as a core element of basic education alongside literacy and numeracy. 
But ICT is more than just another subject for students to study; ICT has the potential to be a valuable tool in enhancing the quality of teaching and learning.
This module provides a comprehensive range of useful ICT in Education information for teachers and educators including: teaching guidelines, sample lesson plans, and links to online ICT teacher resourses.

Effective Lesson Planning


Educators may use many different formats for creating lesson plans. Some formats work better than others for particular kinds of lessons. No matter what style or format a teacher uses, it is important for he/she to thoroughly plan a lesson prior to delivering it in the classroom.
Simply stating the pages to be gone over in a text book is NOT a lesson plan as a book is only one of many tools teachers have at their disposal. 
This module on Lesson Planning will examine different formats of lesson plans that can be used to help teachers plan, organize and deliver quality lessons through a structured approach to classroom teaching, alignment of curriculum, instruction and assessment.



Adolescents have a greater learning potential than young children but they are considerably more difficult to motivate and manage.
It also takes longer to build up a trusting relationship with a teenager but once a teacher finds the correct balance of respect and authority, teaching teenagers can be a rewarding and fun-filled experience.
Teaching teenagers may be a daunting challenge for most teachers but this module will help you find a way out or a way around it.

Assessments- The Shri Way:


The objectives of the training course on assessment and evaluation facilitated by the manual are that by the end participants will be able to evaluate in a broad, holistic, competence-oriented way situations of ATL, that they can use appropriate assessment tools and design appropriate evaluation materials.



What makes a typical SHRI classroom? What is it that differenciates it from any other? These are queries that will be answered during this module. 
Key differentiators like Circle Time, DEAR, DEED, Special Assemblies, Home Rom, etc. are discusse in detail. The objectives of including each of these in the day’s routine at school, along with its benefits are made clear.
Ideas to incorporate during each of these sessions are shared. These differentiators are part of the school’s time table and enhance learning in the students and develop important life skills as well.

Shri Educator


What are the attributes that are essential for an educator to be not just effective and efficient, but also one who facilitates learning in the young learners? 
The essence of a SHRI Educator is encapsulated in this module, wherein along with contemporary and time tested methodology and best practices followed at The Shri RamSchools, teachers get an insight into the various opportunities for their own self development and growth. 
This module touches upon the ethos and philosophy of The Sri Ram Schools, its 4 core values and what is meant by being a true child centric school. Identifying one’s core competencies and building on them to become a better educator and an effective role model are some of the key features of this module.

Effective Instructional Skills


Language development forms an important part of the holistic development of a child. Without language the personality of an individual can not considered to be complete. 
The content has been evolved to teach trainees effective strategies to identify and promote language skills of children. The student teachers will learn the nature and features of English Language.
It will develop all the four language skills (listening, reading, speaking & writing) and the ability to teach.

Effective Study Skills & Time Management


Study habits affects academic performance in a way that it provides a better way for success in school. Good study habits will increase students’ study skills. In turn, the capacity for processing and organizing information is increased. This module is a ready reckoner on introspection of one’s self for correct identification of one’s learning style to develop Effective Study Skills and work on Time Management.

Qualities of an Effective Teacher


Qualities of an Effective Teacher –

Whether you’re a school leader responsible for the professional development of others, or a teacher looking after your own professional development, in this module you’ll find answers to some focussed questions on Qualities of an effective teacher like How, why and what works best in a classroom?Where to start to improve in teaching learning styles?What makes an effective teacher ?

Display Boards


Teachers work hard at creating a student-centered environment where students feel that it is “our” classroom. Part of creating this environment is using bulletin boards in a purposeful way to display student work, share strategies, and display charts for students to use. 
The workshop offers a platform to teachers to brainstorm and share ideas on how to involve students in creating and maintaining class bulletin boards that builds a sense of ownership and pride in students which causes them to refer to these learning resources around the class.

Report Writing


Reports are a legal requirement on the school, and an important tool for home / school communication. The aim of the workshop is to enable teachers to report on student’s performance in a simple, clear, professional and well balanced style.

Classroom Management


The workshop focusses on processes that teachers can use to keep a classroom organised, lessons running smoothly and student engaged in the class. The components of the workshop include: maintaining discipline, establishing routines and rapport with the students, effective time management, positive environment, effective non-threatening commununication by the teacher.


Learning through story telling


To understand the importance and impact of stories on young minds. How stories build literacy as well as aid in acquisition of knowledge

CPA in Math


Understand the basics and the Scope and Sequence for Mathematical ability in Elementary
Strategies to enhance computational ability through play
CPA in Math: Learning and teaching process using a CPA approach provides many opportunities for students to construct their knowledge. For example, interaction with concrete objects increases the possibility that students remember the choice of procedural stages in solving a mathematical problem, because it allows students to encode and retrieve information in a variety of sensory options: visual, auditory, tactile (feeling/touch), and kinesthetic.

VAKT in Phonics


VAKT in Phonics
-> To teach phonics and some useful phonic terms
-> To teach blending to read phonetically true words
-> To share how phonics is taught using the Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic Tactile (VAKT) strategy and suggestions to implement the same in their classes.
-> To outline different stages in phonic development
-> To develop educators’ confidence in teaching their children phonics.

Shri Paryavaran @SEL Schools


An artist, educator, and an environmentalist, Ms. Madhu Bhatnagar spearheads the Environment Consciousness Programme in SEL schools to generate awareness in her students about the environment and are centered around:
1. Shaping young minds and hearts early so that they grow up to love, respect and preserve the natural world.
2. Creating awareness on the current national and international environmental issues such as rainwater harvesting system, zero garbage zones, grey water recycling, Junior Tiger Task Force etc.
3. Impact of Climate Change and the roles and responsibilities of every individual
4. Participation of students in Inter and Intra School Competition during Environment Fests that are held on significant dates across schools.

'I' in the Environment


The environment is constantly in the news and it is also becoming a hot topic in schools throughout the world. The environmental awareness of children is therefore something that is becoming increasingly important – something that many people feel is a significant factor for the future of the planet. There are various different things that teachers and parents can do to help a child to understand the impact that humans have on the world. This module encourages students to look at their own responsibility towards the environment and instill in them the urge and passion to work towards making the planet green again.

Cross Curricular Integration


Cross-curricular teaching involves a conscious effort to apply knowledge, principles, and/or values to more than one academic discipline simultaneously. The disciplines may be related through a central theme, issue, problem, process, topic, or experience. The organizational structure of cross-curricular teaching is called a theme, thematic unit, or unit, which is a framework with goals/outcomes that specify what students are ex-pected to learn as a result of the experiences and lessons that are a part of the unit. This module works in tandem with the Lesson Planning module and enables teachers to connect as many subjects and activities offered by the school. it helps students see concepts and topics from multiple perspetives and encourages them to think laterally. Cross curricular integration, or interdiscipinary planning, takes the learners from the lower levels of thinking to Higher Order Thinking develping in them life long learning skills.

Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)


CCE helps in improving student’s performance by identifying his/her learning difficulties at regular time intervals right from the beginning of the academic session and employing suitable remedial measures for enhancing their learning performance. This module will help break the mental block most teachers face when confronted with this new system of evaluation implemented by the CBSE. It breaks down the components of the evaluation system and makes it simpler and easier for the teacher, ths making it more effective in schools.

Speak Well, Write Easy


Ever wondered if the words you speak would sound as effective when they are written down? If the sentence you started has continued and ended in a manner that makes it easy on the listener? If the idea you wanted to communicate has been translated accurately? Well, here is a module that will help you speak and write with a competence that will become second nature to you. Common bloopers, misnomers, incorrect usage and oft made errors can easily be avoided if the words one speaks and the words one writes are formed in the very thoughts of the language user. Be it spoken or written, being able to “hear” the language would help one “use” the language with more confidence and clarity. That is what this module aspires to achieve.

Mathemagic/ Mathemania


Multiplication is vexation, Division is just as bad; The Rule of Three perplexes me, And Practice drives me mad.

– Old Rhyme . Math anxiety can be a disabling condition, causing humiliation, resentment, and even panic amongst learners. This module covers various aspects of Math teaching to overcome the Math Phobia of students. 

Worksheets that work


Why discuss worksheets? What is so important about them? We’ve all used them: a sheet of paper with a series of exercises for students to get on with while we catch up on our marking. Where’s the harm in that? Well, worksheets are not just instructions on a piece of paper.It is a very important and useful teaching aid for the teacher and helps ensure that the students benefit from approaching learnt concepts using varied instruction techniques. This module aims to dvelop in teachers the ability to create worksheets that are not just creative and interesting, but also address the multiple learnig abilities and levels of the students in a classroom.

Inquiry Based Learning


Inquiry based learning is a student-centered, teacher- guided approach to learning where the focus is on the development of students critical and creative thinking skills. The workshop enables the teachers to explore the challenges that inquiry based learning can present and provides the tools and strategies for teachers to develop skills such as information processing, problem sloving and refelective thinking.

Circle Time


An experiential workshop designed to equip teachers at all levels with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct Circle Time with their student. The workshop is full of practical ideas for delivering a effective circle time, setting circle time routines, enriching with purposeful engaging content and activities.

Fine Motor


The goal of this workshop is to provide participants with information about requisite gross motor skills & fine motor development for children in pre-school and kindergarten. Specific topics include: gross motor preparation, use of two hands together, hand dominance, in hand manipulation skills, scissors grasp, pre-writing readiness. The workshop is completely hands-on wherein motor activities that may be incorporated at school and home are done with the participants.

Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)


One of the objectives of any progressive curriculum is to develop and enhance students intellectual capacity with respect to rational, critical and creative thinking. The workshop is designed with a view to inculcate Higher Order Thinking Skills in all spheres of the curriculum and the various skills associated with HOTS. Bloom’s Taxonomy and Multiple intelligence techniques are also integrated in the workshop with HOTS.

Project Based Learning


Project Based Learning forms an important part of today’s classrooms . The content of this module has been evolved to teach trainees effective strategies to identify and promote research skills of children.


Early Child Development

Special Needs

The workshop will be emphasizing on the importance of connecting with the children and understanding the major development areas and milestones for holistic learning and growth of preschool children. It will include techniques to identify, screen and assess children. We will also discuss strategies for planning intervention to supplement child specific needs in the areas of gross and fine motor, language and communication, social- emotional and cognitive skills.

Identifying Learning Disabilities

Special Needs

The workshop aims at building awareness about the various types of learning difficulties and implementing methods to support learning in children. The focus will be on practical strategies to help identify and detect learning disabilities.

Managing Special Needs In The Classroom

Special Needs

The workshop is designed to help educators better understand and work with students with disruptive behaviors and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in their classrooms. It focuses on classroom management and behavior modifications techniques. It also helps educators gain insight in determining the causes of disruptive behavior in their classrooms and the related environmental factors and antecedents that influence such behavior.